Category: Technical Report

Future fire danger

Building on the existing high quality fine–scale climate information and the capacity of the Climate Futures for Tasmania project, the Future Fire Danger study examined changes in bushfire meteorology and [...]
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General Climate Impacts Technical Report

The General Climate Impacts Technical Report sets out the projected changes to Tasmania’s climate during this century, including higher temperatures and changes in rainfall patterns. Citation: Grose MR, Barnes-Keoghan I, Corney [...]
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Impacts on Agriculture Technical Report

The Impacts on Agriculture Technical Report sets out the impacts on Tasmanian agriculture from projected climate change. The report examines the key climate indices of frost, drought, chilling and growing degree-days, [...]
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Water and Catchments Technical Report

The Water and Catchments Technical Report sets out projected river flows, to 2100, for more than 1900 subcatchments in 78 river catchments that cover more than 70 per cent of the State by area. [...]
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Extreme Events Technical Report

The Extreme Events Technical Report examines extreme rainfall, temperature and drought events in the Tasmanian context to determine how climate change might alter the characteristics of these events in the [...]
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Severe Wind Hazard and Risk Technical Report

The Severe Wind Hazard and Risk Technical Report investigates the severe wind hazard and risk to residential buildings in the Tasmanian region, both under current climate and also for two [...]
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